By dontbuysamsung - 22/04/2012 20:06 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my mobile phone wouldn't turn on. I took it in to the phone store, but they won't fix or replace it because the account is in my dad's name, not mine. He's abroad for the next month, and the only way to get a hold of him is on a number I only stored on my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 140
You deserved it 5 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"the only way to get a hold of him is on a number I only stored on my phone" Reading works great too.


KVKdragon 26

If you have an iPhone and you activated iCloud to sync your contacts, you can just log on via computer and get your dad's contact info. If not, you're out of luck. Sorry. Good luck anyways

Angelrose2004 17

Even with androids, contacts are backed up to gmail. Js

Considering dontbuysamsung is OP's FML name, I highly doubt it's an iPhone.

Wow. Thanks to your FML I just emailed myself few very important numbers that I would be lost with if my phone broke down.

StonerkidDGK420 0

Your friendly neighborhood dealer?

RabidBunny 10

Do what I do. Memorize the phone numbers by making words with the letters associated with them. The best one comes from this girl I know. Her phone number spells "Asshole". :D

fuckmebutdontfml 16

if you have his security code with the company they can still help you... If you don't well I guess its internet and a landline (if yiu even have one) for the next month...but he'll probably call first

KatrinaKitten 16

9 already stated that, and was corrected by 13 because it says they can only contact their dad through the number that was in their phone

You're the only person to ever have his number in your phone?

OneLittleAdditio 9

I was just thinking that and was wondering why no one else mentioned it!

Call the customer service number and pretend to be yur dad and use the password. They wouldn't know. If yur phone does not have physcial damage and u have had it for under a year u still have warranty. If any other damage and u have insurance then set something up. If no insurance- simply buy new1

Two things, first not everyone has the money for a new phone, and second, you can't be bothered to put a "o" in "yur"!

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

You should always have a backup of all important contacts. I highly recommend using Skype in cases like this. You can easily reach someone's phone with just an Internet connection.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Huh...wasn't aware that it was such a bad suggestion. Sure as **** worked for me when my father went overseas.

perdix 29

Maybe you can use this month to communicate with human beings face-to-face. Or develop mad hermit skillz.

Guess you gotta go abroad and talk to him in person. Vacation time!