By MrCanoe - 01/03/2009 21:58 - Canada

Today, my mom had my girlfriend and me over. Out of the blue, she pulled out my grandmother's wedding ring and gave it to me saying I can now propose. My girlfriend started screaming and said yes. I have been seeing someone else for 3 months and was going to break up with my girlfriend tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 130 216
You deserved it 300 147

Same thing different taste

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Ya that really sucks...I say FYL because your mom forced you into it...

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Wait, since it was "only" three months, it doesn't count as cheating? What?

Your a dirty dick and deserve what you got. "Just three months" is cheating. Just one day is cheating. Dumbass.

What, are you serious, guy? "Just three months" and "he was gonna break up with her" doesn't change anything. He played that poor girl for three months of her life and I doubt he started it from the get-go, making her waste even MORE than three months of her life with him. Just because he was PLANNING on breaking up with her doesn't mean not one thing. If he was going to break up with her, he shouldn't have continued to lead her on for three whole months and even then brought her to his mother's house! I mean, who DOES that? Clearly, he is in a kickass situation now that he fully deserves. He can either continue playing the girl through marriage and then get caught, causing her to divorce him and take half of his possessions OR he can face the humiliating task of breaking up with her, crushing her happiness over marriage, and then go through the arduous task of returning his grandmother's ring to his mother. Goodness forbid she ask why and he has to lie about his girl breaking up with him because his mother could easily run into her and start talking about it in a public place. All I'm really trying to say is he's going to have a hell of a hard time playing himself out of this one, and that's good. As for the girlfriend, I hope she realizes what an asshole he is and knows to raise the bar for her future partners so that she may never find herself in this kind of situation again.

vballerlover07 0
miniluda12 12

just another reason not to cheat.

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How ******* stupid are you? Go back to school and please don't breed. "My girlfriend and I" IS proper English. Just because most people put themselves first and say "me and whoever" doesn't make it grammatically correct. I hate grammer nazis, but I just couldn't help myself when I saw this.

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Aaaagggghhh oh my god! Dissect the sentences here. "I went to my mothers house. My girlfriend went to my mother's house also. My girlfriend and I went to my mother's house." If in this case he were saying "That ring was meant for me. That ring was meant for my grandmother. That ring was meant for my grandmother and me." THAT would be proper. ******* shut up, all of you.

Well said 424, if that's what they're teaching in school these days, we need help.

it works l k me this:leave the other person out the sentence, you don't say me went to the mall, you say I wet to the mall. so th e proper Sentence is" m t girlfriend and I went to the mall."

Actually no retard he had it correct you have it wrong.

luvlee 0

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vballerlover07 0

Agree. The funny part is, is since he's a cheater, he'll probably end up cheating on the girl that he was seeing behind his girlfriend's back.

Save_Bandit 5

I agree. and even if he hadn't been cheating on the girlfriend and HAD wanted to marry her, it still would have been an FML. "Today, my mom proposed to my girlfriend for me. That wasn't what I planned. FML" lol

coblercool706 2

it didn't say he was cheating...

He said he was seeing someone else at the same time he was dating his original girlfriend. I'm pretty sure that's cheating.

googlefrewdnoob 0

358 366 it said he'd been seeing someone for three months, I'm pretty sure that's cheating.

It says he's been seeing someone ELSE for 3 months. "Going to break up with my girlfriend tomorrow." That very clearly states he was cheating

BaDumTsss_fml 23

That was his girlfriend, and he'd been seeing someone else for 3 months. It's obviously cheating!

yes he was cheating doesnt mean having sex it means being with skmeone else at the same time

musicalmandi16 0

Yeahhh, that sucks for both of you. You're a douche for cheating, but she and your mom and weird for getting so hyper, and your mom forcing you to propose to her.

lexatron 0

Serves you right. You should have broken up with her 3 months ago.

Ehonda500Mob 0

that's pretty funny...Your life sux right now

That's one big charlie-foxtrot, man. Good luck getting out of that one.