By Anonymous - 22/04/2009 14:09 - Hong Kong

Today, my mum and I were walking down a road where we met an old neighbour who recently got divorced. Her son who we hadn't seen for about 10 years was with her and he looked very handsome. I said, "oh wow ! your son has grown up so much !" The woman replied, "this is my boyfriend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 534
You deserved it 8 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SSC_fml 0

Wow, haha, that's messed up but anythings possible nowadays! I'm sure her boyfriend was pretty embarassed-- and maybe even her..

scorpioserpent 1


mk1o3o 0

isnt this a YDI? how come so many ppl chose FML?

Funtertaining11 0

Wow, didn't see that one coming, did you?:)

umm thats embarising like if you ever see her agian... or her boyfriend but not an fml

that woman knows how to get her mack on. but you could probably steal her boyfriend from her, for funsies

I agree with #4. It can be embarrassing when you mistake someone for a boyfriend/girlfriend, but this isn't really a FML.