By SHIT-BREATH - 05/06/2013 16:03 - United Kingdom - Chepstow

Today, my puppy came into my room, and I cupped his head in my hands and bent down to kiss him. As I did, I realized that the part of his head I was kissing was covered in his own shit that he'd seemingly been rolling in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 490
You deserved it 15 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

After all those times you pretended to throw the ball, that puppy knew payback was in order...


I don't know OP, I am a bit inclined to vote YDI on this one. The reason(s) why for that vote are the following: Would you have not seen the off color stain on top of your puppies head when you leaned down to kiss it? Assuming your puppy doesn't have black / dark brown fur. However, would you have not caught the scent of dog crap the closer you leaned in if that were the case of dog fur appearing the color of fecal matter? Unless your puppy managed to get a very tiny spot then I can see how both may have been missed if you leaned in fast to give him/her a kiss on the head.

olpally 32

How do you not see it or smell it on your dog?? Lol. Chew lots of gum and take a shower!!

At least kitties don't roll in their shit.

FYL for suffering because you love your pup, but there probably have been plenty of other times you kissed or touched him after he was fresh from a doody roll or some other activity that left no visible traces. Pets are wonderful, but they can be nasty little creatures sometimes.

Maybe I have a bit of a. Super sniffer... But how did you not smell this long before touching him?

just don't kiss your dog, it always sticks it nose in this kind of things...YDI

Not to make things worse for you, OP, but a dog rarely rolls in its own feces. If you are lucky, it may have come from another animal, but most likely it was human.

Why wouldn't you? You pet it and show it affection, he slobbers all over you and barks a lot. That's usually the extent of your interactions. How do you not know this shit?