By Shianna - 28/05/2012 22:00 - United States - Holden

Today, my son was fired from his new job, which was going to support us since I recently lost mine. His excuse was, "Conflict of interest." He was a mascot for a fast-food restaurant and refused to dance around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 059
You deserved it 13 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were going to support your family off of your son's job?

It's terrible having to ask a child to get a job to support his parents. It's worse still asking him to do something humiliating like that. Try to have some understanding, and next time have him get a better job. Like a stripper.


maybe you should be a dancing, sign spinning mascot...

theonlysweetpea 10

You shouldn't be relying on your kids to support you..especially when they aparantly have a mascot job? That's not enough money for him to support both of you grow the **** up and look for a new job

theonlysweetpea 10

Besides who said OP doesn't have an equally embarassing job now? The whole family could be taking up odd work just to pay the bills like in the show Shameless or in real life. Maybe the money pooled together got them above water

It shouldn't be your son's responsibility to support the family.

toothfairy9603 1

How can you even call that a job?

estefanypseudo 0

Conflict of family roles, perhaps?

He didnt want to be humiliated in order to support you... **** his life

That's your son. Why should HE have to support YOU? Maybe he should've posted on here, saying that "Today, my mother expected me to support the family on a minimum wage job. FML". YOU are the parent, not him. Supporting the family is YOUR responcibility.