By ReallyRyan? - 01/09/2018 06:00

Today, my younger brother sat on some poison ivy. He didn't have any symptoms because he's pretty much immune to it. Also today, my boyfriend had to run to the ER because he got poison ivy on his genitalia. I knew they spent way too much time together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 243
You deserved it 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least you found out now before you got it somewhere.

tounces7 27

I Did your brother sit on it completely bare-assed or something? I mean was he wiping with it too? I'm failing to understand the mechanics of this.


Boyufd 24

this is like the other FML, when OP caught her boyfriend bending over for their neighbor's teenage son

tounces7 27

I Did your brother sit on it completely bare-assed or something? I mean was he wiping with it too? I'm failing to understand the mechanics of this.

Could have happened if OP's bro and boyfriend were getting it on outside.

blightsight 10

the brother and boyfriend were having anal sex

tounces7 27

Yes I understood the sex part....however the parts that would be touching each other, would not typically be the parts that also touch the poison Ivy unless you really just rubbed it all up in there.

EmDizzle2007 28
Alexiskovich 6

The OP's bf and younger brother are *******. The OP's bf ****** the younger brother in the ass and got poison ivy.

at least you found out now before you got it somewhere.

Apparently the call of nature is strong with those two 🤣🤣

_Hakuna_Matata_ 12

Well, maybe, just maybe your younger brother sat on your boyfriends lap accidentally in a steam room? (FRIENDS for reference XD)

boredgirl_02 14

He could have slapped him on the ass in a good game type a way and then touched himself. I got it cause my ex or my dog walked in it and somehow whatever my hands touched got it.

Why in the world is there so many FML that their own relative had stabbed them in the back by sleeping with their boyfriend/girlfriend? What’s wrong with these relatives?

thatslifeiguess7 16

I know FML is like a soap opera

At least you didn’t find out about from somebody else

Why is boyfriend not now your ex-boyfriend?