By thanksjill - 10/03/2009 22:51 - United States

Today, our school went to an elementary school to read to the kids. One of the girls in my group asked me if she could switch into another group, so I asked her what was wrong with mine. She said, "Nothing, I wanna be in her group. She's prettier." I was insulted by a kindergartner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 921
You deserved it 4 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sunshyne84_fml 0

Don't let it get to you, kids don't see much. I should know, I had a crush on Rufio from "Hook" when I was a kid.


nwill229 0

you should learn how to spell is kindergartener

sunshyne84_fml 0
effmyyliifee 0

FYL if u let a 5 yr old offend u. come on noww

Your grammar is horrendous. Maybe you are the five year old...

Don't let it get to you, kids don't see much. I should know, I had a crush on Rufio from "Hook" when I was a kid.

bsneeze 0

lol #4 who didn't? It's a kindergartener...they're stupid

whodathunk 0

#1: When correcting people's writing, you should write correctly yourself. (Also, "kindergardeners" is what this site accepts as correct; "kindergarteners" gets underlined in red. So, maybe she can spell and it's that can't.) OP: You've got to love them.

It is kindergartner. is great. And to the German major, pay attention and you'll notice that American English is very different from the queen's English, and therefore, all European roots are nearly worthless in terms of trying to spell a word "correctly".

nevertheless #6 she still didn't spell kindergardeners...

StephanieSays 0

kids that young generally don't mean to be offensive, so don't take it to heart.

Kids have weird priorities. But I bet she knows how to spell kindergarten.

You shouldn't be insulted by that. Kids are not only brutally honest, but sometimes they just say things to get a rise out of you. One of the Kindergartners at the school I'm working at told me "I'm smarter than you!" I just thought it was cute. :-)

xtremelifter 0