By twinzies - 20/02/2016 02:46 - United States - Chula Vista

Today, there's a new freshman at my school that looks exactly like me. Whenever we see her, my friends shout "Twinzies!" I don't have anything against her, but I'm bummed because I'm a male senior. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 623
You deserved it 1 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mermaidkeels 26

So if you guys had a kid together, would you be triplets?

One in a billion eh? I guess it never specified the gender...


One in a billion eh? I guess it never specified the gender...

mermaidkeels 26

So if you guys had a kid together, would you be triplets?

JohnnyWake0 13

Best comment I've ever read on here

So if you had sex with her, you'd be ******* yourself?

I don't know. it sounds like a romantic comedy. although pretty creepy now that I think about it.

isnobodyhere 32

I'm not sure I see how this is an FML. You do realize it's possible for people to be born with a twin of the opposite sex, right? It's not like it says anything bad about you that this girl happens to look just like you...

Not sure why I got moderated...the comment in question wasn't even remotely offensive or rude. All I said was that it's silly to be upset about this because whether or not OP is male has nothing to do with it. Twins of opposite sexes happen. And either way, how is it so bad that a girl in his school happens to look a lot like him? If making these points is offensive in some way, then someone here is being entirely too sensitive.

Just be thankful that you don't look like the school mascot! Things could always be worse.