By kqwarrior - 27/06/2016 03:46 - United States - San Francisco

Today, while at the airport with a cast on my leg, I fell backwards onto my suitcase. My family was too busy to notice my squirming as I tried to get up, so a kind woman awkwardly helped me off the ground. Later on, I found out my dad saw me but thought someone would help me "soon enough." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 746
You deserved it 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

looks like you dont have a cast of supporting characters


Every situation has positives and negatives, OP. One positive is that you quite possibly have a clairvoyant father. One negative is that he can be a bit douchey.

looks like you dont have a cast of supporting characters

MelRose520 2

Well technically he wasn't wrong...

Why so much thumbs down? That was an accurate statement.. Doesnt imply wether he should´ve just watch or not

well he wants you to stand on your own feet, literally

Guess it makes you a castaway from your family...

what a douche! hope your leg heals soon op!