By florisvanlent - 12/02/2009 16:17 - Netherlands

Today, while copying some stuff for school, I felt someone rubbing her boobs against my back. I got a boner and when I looked to see who the hot chick was, I saw my fat friend rubbing his man boobs against my back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 587
You deserved it 56 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahaha... wow, I'm sorry, but you did get pretty owned there

I bet your penis has never gone from erect to non-existent so fast in your LIFE


this is the funniest one i've read all day.

It's remarkable how far the imagination will go if you can't see the whole picture.

hayyyyyy88 0

I bet your penis has never gone from erect to non-existent so fast in your LIFE

sexyboi1985 27

Anyone who refers to their friend as their "fat friend", chances are slim to none that a "hot chick" will ever rub against them.

xania_fml 0

you get a boner from some(thing) rubbing on your back?