By sstahpp - 20/08/2015 21:24 - South Africa - Pretoria

Today, while I was taking a long relaxing shower, the shower head decided to fly off and hit me in the face. The dentist couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 540
You deserved it 5 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why we don't shower with our dentists.

CAC_Boomerang 24

Now to clarify here OP... Your dentist wasn't *actually* watching you shower as this happened... Right..?


that has happened in the past to my friend. she got nailed in the eye, though. I do hope your mouth recovers from the dental work soon.

I think square in the mouth would have even a better statement...

Don't get how the op deserved this random occurrence.

Why are there about 850 YDIs and 300 FYLs? How does OP deserve this? Of course, there's time to change that to more YDIs if people have sense.

I was just coming here to comment that. Not her fault the shower is possessed.

were you singing in the shower?? because that would explain a lot

I wasn't. I wouldn't torture the shower like that!

you must have done something wrong, it seemed very angry at you

Why have more people been voting ydi lately when op didn't deserve it?

corky1992 33

Yes that does suck..but it is kind of funny lol. Hope you weren't hurt too bad!

Why so many YDI? It's not like OP made the shower head fall.

why is this getting ydi ? it's not like the op knew that the shower head was going to do that.