By Anonymous - 03/10/2012 17:40 - United States

Today, while walking down the hall of my old school, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Behind the faculty parking lot where I parked my truck, two students were having sex on my tailgate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 689
You deserved it 3 116

Same thing different taste


nah nah she was sitting on the guys to ball so her arse swallowed it while her bf fuckd her with his pin prick.....i should no cause that girl......Wasnt me!! haha but seriously disenfect ur truck thats just yer sounds fun but not at a school honnestly

that's called (some form of) assault or murder, either way that's kinda frowned upon in society.

Get in and drive while they're still at it. Woulda been funny and karma

"Exactly where you don't want to look, where you never want to look. The corner of your eye."

I really hope this wasn't an elementary school...