By heyyoitsapotato - 31/05/2013 02:35 - United States

Today, while working as a lifeguard, a kid took a dump in the pool. When I told everyone to clear the pool so we could clean it, another kid promptly stared at me, stood at the shallow end right where I was standing, pulled down his trunks, and peed on my feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 128
You deserved it 3 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Main reason I do not want to have kids. 4 siblings is enough.


You should have dunked his head in it as you whistled a tune

saucyrossi 18

I'm a lifeguard too... I feel your pain

That's all part of lifeguarding though. It has it's pros and it's cons, it's pros being that it's a very respectable job that requires a lot of responsibility, and it brings in a lot of cash. It's cons are that you have to sit in a chair and constantly be at attention while dealing with crap that OP described

And this is the generation of today...

You shouldn't generalize all children into one grouping. A lot of the time, the behavior of the child corresponds to the upbringing

Hmm, I didn't quite mean it seriously. I'm obviously not ignorant enough to legitimately generalise, apologies for offending anyone.

This generation. Parents don't discipline their kids. It's quite unfortunate.

To be fair, it's not like peeing in the pool is something that has only started to happen this generation. Sadly, nor is it something that only kids do.

No, but pissing on the lifeguard is a bit far.

I know that feel bro. I'm a lifeguard myself.

Same here bro. Crappy day for lifeguarding sounds like

avapaige1234 19

Please be reminded that those children will be the future generation. I can't even begin to imagine what the world will look like in ten years.

Someone needs to stick a cork in all of these leaking children stat...

This reminded me of the movie "Caddyshack" sorry it was the real thing and not just a floating Baby Ruth. :P

Should have wrapped that baby Ruth up for him, and gave it to him later.