Treat yourself

By birthday bash - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - France

Today, it was my girlfriend's birthday. She decided that her "gift to herself" would be to leave the loser who has been holding her back for two years. Hello, my name is Ben, and I'm that loser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 196
You deserved it 5 232

Same thing different taste

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fullyhalfempty 0


Comentator 0

Way to Fail Ben. Two years and I bet you think you did nothing wrong.

Ask yourself "did I hold her back?", then ask the same question to her. Listen to her response.

It is ok dear, my boyfriend of 2 and 1/2 years ended our relationship just before his deployment to get engaged to a girl he only met in October. You seem sweet, it will be ok.

sophlolx 0

wow u definetly got owned ther! but i feel extremely sorri 4 u lmao x ul b okai. ur a big boy :L

misha1995 0
Stormcat 0

Sorry :( But dont worry Ben, you sound like a sweet boy, you'll have more opportunities :D

flames45640 0

I'm sorry man. that really sucks!