
By Matt988 - 22/03/2021 23:00 - India

Today, I was making out with my girlfriend when I felt her slip her hand into my pants. She then gave me a wedgie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 872
You deserved it 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Been there bruh. Getting groped, wedgied and spanked by your girlfriend ain't that bad. It's pretty kinky. You'll get use to it cause I guarantee it will happen again.


Been there bruh. Getting groped, wedgied and spanked by your girlfriend ain't that bad. It's pretty kinky. You'll get use to it cause I guarantee it will happen again.

bobsanction 18
xxlk4xx 6

came here to say the same thing lol, I'm constantly doing this shit to my hubby lol 😆 (if he legit asked me to seriously stop the obviously I would)

Boo hoo! She has a sense of humor. What a terrible thing!