
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was dumped. I ran home and cried and ranted on and on to my mother. After about 10 minutes of talking, she threw a book at my face and said, "No wonder he dumped you! You can't shut up!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 723
You deserved it 16 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you talking for 10 minutes straight or was it a conversation? If you really ranted for 10 minutes you deserve it. Sorry about your break up, but come on, your mom shouldn't have to suffer.

Just shut the hell up and don't be all full of drama


android360 0

FYL for having a mother who doesnt care but YDI because you ranted to her, if I were you Id write all my feelings down on paper.. Thats why diaries are invented... use them

you obviously know nothing about kids that or your just a stupid ass hole that dosent care for anyone because something bad happen'd to you so you decide to make other ppl feel like shit for having emotions

you really don't know what this site is for do you it's expressing bad stuff that happens to you so you can vent it on a site hopping to god that some fagg bag like you dosent make it worse

Haha that was awesome! She does have a point...no one likes a whiner

Haha that was awesome! She does have a point...no one likes a person who whines a lot!

theonlysweetpea 10

#75 is so stupid. Things like that are a fairy tale. Family is family

Gabbymcbride 2

FYL, cause your mom should have understood. But YDI too, for being annoying.