Useful idiot

By taintedlover - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Seattle

Today, my girlfriend admitted to my best friend that she basically just sees me as a dildo with annoying emotions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 468
You deserved it 7 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_Big_Boss 20

She enjoys the sex.. So you've got that going for you, which is nice


Sounds like permission to sleep with anything that moves

Yeah. If she really isn't emotionally attached and is just using him for sex, she shouldn't care. Great way to turn it around on her.

RedPillSucks 31

Has to have the right number of holes.

MooseKnuckle5150 13

Nothing wrong with a friend with benefits. Now you can find someone else without the emotional investment.

Sounds like the perfect relationship!

91hayek 31

Though rare, this relationship sounds pretty good if you're just trying to hit it then quit it. Rather a ***** than a dud. With annoying emotions.

DatWeirdoDoe 9

Um does that mean she get extra horny around u?....or nah?

she can buy a *****, while you get yourself a new girlfriend :)

Dump her. She's definitely a dildon't.

oh OP I'm sorry:( that would hurt but on the plus side you must pleasure her well

2 things 1. Why would she admit it to YOUR best friend 2. Maybe your buddy is lying to get with her or something. you should probably get some evidence past "he told me so" For the record these are only what ifs. Im just exploring all possibilities

this is why every time I put a capital "A" on the internet, people start screaming about Illuminati