Virtual hugs

By Anonymous - 10/05/2023 09:00 - Philippines - Angeles City

Today, my aunt vented her anger on us for no reason, and her words really cut like a knife. I always pray that someday I'll have a home that I can call my own, where I can lay my head and heart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 811
You deserved it 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep being positive! I really hope you have someone to talk to who is supportive. Maybe a teacher or a counselor? You will get that home of your own if you keep pushing and working hard. Until then hang on and don't let her ruin your goals.

Unfortunately not everyone is good with stress or kids or just life in general. Some people lash out at the ones around them even if those people are not responsible for what is upsetting them. And sometimes people fester on their daily irritations until it builds up and they verbally explode with all the unkind and cutting words they have stored up in their mind… I assume you are living with or staying with your Aunt for now out of necessity. Make a realistic plan as to how you are to earn a living and have your own place to live. That may be a long term plan if education or training are involved to get the kind of job you need or it could be a shorter path than that if you are already an adult… Remember, you are a human being and deserving of love and respect. How the people act around you now does not mean life is always going to be this way. Make a plan and work towards your goals. Not only will that eventually get you to your goals, in the present you will feel like you are doing something important and that will give you some sense of relief now.


Keep being positive! I really hope you have someone to talk to who is supportive. Maybe a teacher or a counselor? You will get that home of your own if you keep pushing and working hard. Until then hang on and don't let her ruin your goals.

Houses are expensive. Baseball bats are much cheaper. You probably don't have to whack her with it -- just let her know you're not going to receive her rants.

Unfortunately not everyone is good with stress or kids or just life in general. Some people lash out at the ones around them even if those people are not responsible for what is upsetting them. And sometimes people fester on their daily irritations until it builds up and they verbally explode with all the unkind and cutting words they have stored up in their mind… I assume you are living with or staying with your Aunt for now out of necessity. Make a realistic plan as to how you are to earn a living and have your own place to live. That may be a long term plan if education or training are involved to get the kind of job you need or it could be a shorter path than that if you are already an adult… Remember, you are a human being and deserving of love and respect. How the people act around you now does not mean life is always going to be this way. Make a plan and work towards your goals. Not only will that eventually get you to your goals, in the present you will feel like you are doing something important and that will give you some sense of relief now.