We are the 99%

By blahdyblahblah33 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was rushed to the emergency room. Apparently, there is only one serious side effect of getting your tonsils out when you're an adult, which is only seen in about 1% of patients: bleeding of the throat. It can be deadly. I'm part of that 1%. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 908
You deserved it 2 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

block1 2
Ashleywright32 0

I faced the same issue..... In the hospital for two and a half weeks! Good luck hope ya get to feelin better soon.....


whipmie87 0

i was part of the 1% also, no worries.

I have known roughly 5 adults to have tonsils removed and I believe all of them ended up getting a throat bleed, I would dare say the 1% has to do with it being deadly not that it bleeds at all.

I hope you're okay! same thing happened to my dad and he almost died. it's very scary!

*wibbles* I'm 20 and get mine out Tuesday... This made me no less nervous! :(

sarahmcgeee 5

I'm getting mine out Thursday, just stay hydrated no matter how much it hurts to drink and you won't end up like this dummy

That happened to me, too! I had mine out when I was 25, due to the fact that they were so large they were effecting my breathing. On the third day, I woke up with blood in my mouth. After vomiting a LOT of blood, I was back at the hospital having the wounds cauterized (awake & feeling everything)!

turtlehands 0
TbZ_x_PaRAdoX 0

So you took the time to write a FML?

i had that problem and died, then apperently cam back, it was pretty damn scary

kristengray 4