
By Heavybreather - 13/02/2017 12:00 - United States - Athens

Today, after climbing 5 flights of stairs I walked into the restroom to take a piss. I was winded but trying to keep my heavy breathing to a minimum. My plan failed when I almost fainted inbetween two guys at the urinal and started gasping for air. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 863
You deserved it 1 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They probably think you REALLY had to go

Maybe you should stick to the elevator.


They probably think you REALLY had to go

With your breathing, they probably thought you were jerking off.

heftysmash253 6

Sounds like you're piss out of shape

heftysmash253 6

Sounds like you're in pissy shape

Piss before climbing 5 flights of stairs???

Less weight to haul up the steps... I like how you think.

I think it's time to hit the Gym, hiking trails, if you can't do 5 floor, it seems a very unhealthy lifestyle. Start doing a little hiking, jogging, and running or gym, one step at the time. By the end of the year, 5 flights of stairs to 50 flights of stairs won't be enough for you:) good luck!

Viewerv 2

Time to work on cardio! I recommend swimming. Great on joints and good for lungs!