Weird advice

By Lily - 10/12/2023 12:00 - Switzerland

Today, it's been two years since my husband promised improvements if I stayed. He abided and we're good, despite a counselor insisting it was mere narcissistic manipulation, without ever meeting him. Did I mention she also claimed it would be "empowering" for me to leave, and set "a good example" on our kids? FML
I agree, your life sucks 484
You deserved it 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MomofTwins 19

Some therapists just project their own experiences on you. Learned that myself

I've seen that word narcissistic used a lot lately. I think it's kind of a trendy word that people are using in place of more accurate words.


Sounds like a common redit, FML response.

If you are good, why speak to a counsler anyway?

Yeah! Cut the counselor visits. If you feel your husband is relapsing again, see a different counselor. This one looks like she saw one photo of the husband and built an altar to it.

I've seen that word narcissistic used a lot lately. I think it's kind of a trendy word that people are using in place of more accurate words.

MomofTwins 19

Some therapists just project their own experiences on you. Learned that myself

Underscore_foo 4

And you're still not listening to the therapist?