Weird, but OK

By awkward - 14/06/2021 19:01 - United States

Today, my boyfriend dumped me. He says he can’t be with someone who doesn’t love his dog as much as he does. I told him that I have absolutely no problem with the dog being in the room, but it makes me uncomfortable when the dog is on the bed while we have sex. Apparently, that’s unreasonable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 694
You deserved it 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel like it's just tradition to just make up a reason to breakup with someone. If he told you the real reason things might get ugly real quick.

nammavic1 11

That’s his threesome fantasy right there. 🤢


I feel like it's just tradition to just make up a reason to breakup with someone. If he told you the real reason things might get ugly real quick.

nammavic1 11

That’s his threesome fantasy right there. 🤢

Well either this was an excuse to break up or your ex bf has some issues that ya probably don't want to be involved with. No normal pet owner would want their pets staring at them or possibly clawing or biting them when they're trying to be intimate with their SO. (unless of course he has some sort of sick twisted animal fetish and wanted you to join 😨🤢)

My wife tried to initiate sexy time, and I just couldn't allow myself to cause the cat was in the room

Wadlaen 23

I agree - it sounds a bit weird. That's not the normal kind of doggystyle...

I suspect that he needs it. So when he's having sex with his girlfriend, he's THINKING about the dog...