Who am I?

By Anonymous - 21/06/2016 01:59 - United States - Fulton

Today, I might have ruined my co-worker's relationship with her fiancé, with whom I share a name, because we "work together too often" and now he doesn't know whose name she's saying during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 280
You deserved it 1 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry OP, it wouldn't be you ruining the relationship, it would be her fiancé's own insecurity

Insecurity of the highest level. Unfortunately there is bugger all you can do in that situation. Talking to the Fiancé won't do anything except strengthen his resolve that there is something going on. FYL


Don't worry OP, it wouldn't be you ruining the relationship, it would be her fiancé's own insecurity

sinom 11

Sounds like he's just looking for an excuse to end things

OP's fml isn't about the girl.. It's about the guy's insecurity

You didn't ruin anything; their letting it be a big deal smh.

Thanks man I was aware of my mistake as soon I made it. Good thing you came along to correct me!

Insecurity of the highest level. Unfortunately there is bugger all you can do in that situation. Talking to the Fiancé won't do anything except strengthen his resolve that there is something going on. FYL

Dragonstorm786 17

The OP shares a name with the fiancé, not the coworker. So, I think that if OP and the fiancé were to talk it out, then maybe the problem can be fixed.

I mean all he could really do is come out to said Fiancé....

Unless you had sex with said co worker, this is the lowest level of stupidity.

If he's that insecure (and frankly that stupid), the coworker dodged a bullet.

It's not your fault her fiancee is like that.

Did she just come up to you and tell you that? I mean, regardless, you can't really do anything about it unless you want to change your name so I don't understand why she would ever tell you that.

Some coworkers are friends or at least friendly enough to talk about personal things.

oatfiend 6

Looks like that relationship was doomed from the start

I have a guy friend who has a huge crush on me who just so happens to have the same name as my boyfriend but I know exactly who I'm talking about during intercourse and so does my boyfriend so the fiancé has got some issues.