With friends like these…

By Anonymous - 27/11/2023 10:00

Today, after I moved in with my best friend a year ago, living with her and her boyfriend for over 3 months, I couldn’t handle them fighting so I moved out 9 months later. She cheated on her boyfriend with a coworker and is now moving in with me, so, "We can live like wild teenagers." We’re both 30 and I’m not single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 495
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know you can tell her "no," right?

HouseOfM 8

no red flags in the time you've known her that this would be a problem? Sounds like you didn't really know them. Or best friend is getting thrown around pretty loosely. I'm guessing both


You know you can tell her "no," right?

HouseOfM 8

no red flags in the time you've known her that this would be a problem? Sounds like you didn't really know them. Or best friend is getting thrown around pretty loosely. I'm guessing both

So... why are you letting a nightmare into your home?

If you let her move in you probably will be single very quickly...