You must be kidding

By work hard - 07/11/2016 12:38 - Canada - Petawawa

Today, I went into work thinking it was my last day before I start my new job, as my 2-week notice said to the managers that I can't work after today. None of them believed that I was actually capable of getting a better job and thought my 2-week notice was a joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 904
You deserved it 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that's when you moon-walk out the door while giving them a parting wave in the form of a one-finger salute.

Hey guess what. Now they look like dicks and are short someone. So win-win


And that's when you moon-walk out the door while giving them a parting wave in the form of a one-finger salute.

derpina72 23

I also imagine OP doing a spin and magically being in Michael Jackson clothes, placing a hat on their head, and then moon - walking out.

mermaidgirle 12

With a well placed "hee hee" also!

That's not your fault, they're either too cocky or just idiotic to think you'd joke about quitting

Hey guess what. Now they look like dicks and are short someone. So win-win

Jokes on them, idiots... Good luck and enjoy your new job!

Well, now you'll know for future reference: don't resign in full clown makeup. The five minute shtick about airplane food didn't help either.

You said you were "thinking" it was your last day there, which makes me worry that you're going to let them bully you into staying... Forget that. You gave the notice, they chose to ignore it. Their problem. Enjoy your new job and don't look back!

Who cares what they think. Just do your job and go out with your head held high at the end of the day. Whatever you do, make sure not to burn any bridges. Never burn bridges with your past employers.

Don't let them bully you into staying beyond the promised 2 weeks though. Even if that means they're angry and consider it a burned bridge.

This happened to me actually 2 days ago and they were completely shocked. Sorry they were breaking the law and I wasn't going down with them Good luck! And congrats on the new job!

F their lives, actually. They're standing around looking like a bunch of dicks while you have a new job. Congratulations!

Why is this an FML? That they didn't believe you is not your problem. You still have the new job, right? You gave your notice so you owe them nothing more. There is no reason for this to be an FML for you. It may be for your old managers.