
By hungryman - 14/07/2009 21:10 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend's mom pulled me aside and started telling me about how her daughter was extremely depressed and suicidal before she met me, and how happy her family is because of me. I was planning on breaking up with her within the next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 651
You deserved it 9 104

Same thing different taste

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Wow...That's a mind **** for sure. The fact that you thought about it tells me you are a good person. You have to do what's best for you though. You can keep her as a friend and support her.

You can't be responsible for someone else's happiness. Don't be in the relationship if you don't want to. Sucks, but that's life.


infest0125 0

Go over reasons why you wanna break up with her. If you still want to by then, go through with it, as you aren't responsible for someone else's happiness.

xfCuk 0

wow that really sucks to be put into a position like that. if you want to without affecting her, try to somehow make her break up with you

inspireme48 0

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Well that would be an extremely idiotic thing to do. He shouldn't have to stay with the girl just because she happens to be emotionally unstable. He should not have to sacrifice his happiness for her.

why end it? it sounds like you're doing something right. not all relationships are going to work out that way.

break up with her then quickly buy a ticket to Mexico, grow a goatee, change your name to Pablo Náina, and join the Mexican mob. for extra insurance, try working at burger king. good luck soldier!

Ok yes you are not responsible for other people's happiness, but in this case you are the main reason why your girlfriend is happy. If you take that away from her, she's gonna slip into depression again and the family is gonna blame you for that. Take this into consideration before you make your decision.

This is silly. If he doesn't love her and doesn't want to be with her than he doesn't need to take anything into consideration and should break up with her. However he should let the family know beforehand, maybe her best friends if he knows them, to make sure someone is watching her closely and can get her PROFESSIONAL help if needed. And to #127 penizulaface: yea, but if someone has clinical depression with a very high risk of suicide and it becomes treatment resistent then they should be in some kind of facility where they are being monitored at all times... If he doesn't love her, he doesn't love her. Still caring about her is one thing, but staying with her just because she can't deal with her life? In the long run he'd probably get depressed himself...

Lol you shouldn't feel sorry for her , life is life deal with it

IF you still wanna break up say it's too much pressure.

flyboy57 0

get her an account on or something. the commercials are so convincing! she'll find someone new in a week or you get your money back!!

Your gf probably saw it coming and told her mom Hmm there's some evil people out there idkk