Bad omen

By Anonymous - 17/11/2013 13:34 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, my boyfriend and I were about to have our first kiss with each other, but my dog decided to let one rip, stinking up the whole room. My boyfriend still doesn't believe it was my dog who did it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 794
You deserved it 4 352

Same thing different taste


Dog's thoughts: Haha she's with her boyfriend! Let's stink up the whole room and embarrass her! *poops* Your thoughts: OH FML! Boyfriend's thoughts: EWWWWW DID YOU JUST POOP?!?!

srod1326 5

So he's your bf but have yet to kiss? Weird.

That's what you get for dating an asshole smh I bet he's already kissed many other girls

graphicstyle7 17

Past the age of 16, if your "boyfriend" has not kissed you by the third date, consider your address the Friend Zone. Or the "just doing it for now until something better comes along" zone. It's one thing if he really is so into you he's too shy to kiss you, but that's kinda what dating is for, it's a go-ahead to do things like kiss. Dog fart? Either you're very young, or that's a very lame excuse.

Damn. Well maybe if he comes around & believes you later it will be cool. But if he really doesn't want you after this fart incident, he's not worth your time.

wildsweetchild 19

something tells me it was him, not the dog