Damned if you do…

By ritualdevice - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I have to train people overseas to do my job. If I succeed in teaching them what they need to know, then they get my job, and I get fired. If they don't perform well, then as the trainer I get blamed, and get fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 457
You deserved it 2 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of job is this? Why would you even take such a job?

olivejuice001 0

I was in pretty much the same boat when my department got downsized. The trick is to leave out something that they won't address for quite some time after you're gone. I *forgot* to train them on certain end of the year processes. That job ended at the beginning of the year, and I got the first voicemail from my old employer last week, asking if I was available to help them out on something. Suck it, fools.


There isn't even a decision to make here. The only choice is to train them badly.

Step One - Get a new job (quickly). Step Two - Quit before said training is complete. Derp.

if there is no possible way to keep your job, find a new job and train them to do exactly opposite of what the company wants from them...might as well F&%* over the company that is screwing you over. If there is a chance they might keep you, do a kickass job and prove you are valuable. Either way, better hit the classifieds

take the people you're training down with you, train them badly it'll hurt the company they might not deserve it but they are worth more to the company than they are to you

Upper Managers are always forward thinkers. Train them terribly, then quit before they can fire you. Management FAIL.

veriria 0

Well either way you lose; may as well quit while you are ahead.

my suggestion, start looking for a new job.

redbeater 5

It sucks to be replaced by a bunch of 12-year olds.

maddiesonnn 0