Damned if you do…

By ritualdevice - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I have to train people overseas to do my job. If I succeed in teaching them what they need to know, then they get my job, and I get fired. If they don't perform well, then as the trainer I get blamed, and get fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 457
You deserved it 2 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of job is this? Why would you even take such a job?

olivejuice001 0

I was in pretty much the same boat when my department got downsized. The trick is to leave out something that they won't address for quite some time after you're gone. I *forgot* to train them on certain end of the year processes. That job ended at the beginning of the year, and I got the first voicemail from my old employer last week, asking if I was available to help them out on something. Suck it, fools.


jlc82 4

I would say if it wouldn't wreck future job opportunities then train them completely wrong

wrecklesswfire 2

I would not rush or put much effort into training them and let them fire me without a trained person to take over