
By Rynne S. - 13/03/2012 06:12 - United States

Today, I got my yearbook. My sister and I are identical twins, and we realized only my sister had a picture in it. When we asked the head of yearbook, they said they thought it was the same girl trying to get two pictures, so they put in the prettier one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 569
You deserved it 2 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they didn't think to ask either one of you?

Wouldn't they check if both names are in the school system first?


The school year book is a legal document. Boy did **** up. The whole year book will likely have to be reprinted now. Hundreds, perhaps even thousands of dollars down the drain.

Thats messed up. Must not be a very organized yearbook team.

FMLsOhilarious 6

The truth hurts, doesn't it?

AntiLove187 4

Shouldve told the dean to go **** himself..

BunBunBabe 8

I can't tell if you're more upset by not being in it, or them rudely saying your twin is more pretty, but either way sorry OP

linkinpark98 23

That is when you know it's time to slap a bitch.

HannahWho 8

I was on yearbook all four years of high school and two years in middle school. While we had a small school, hell if we didn't double check class lists and with the photo people to make sure everyone was in there. If they weren't we would accept another similar picture of just the face that we took outside the school. It might not have been awardwinning work but we damn sure made everyone get in the book.