I've seen it all

By gspotter - 14/11/2014 21:58 - Canada - Verdun

Today, I get to add spaghetti sauce to my rather extensive list of things that don't belong in a person's eye but that end up in mine anyway. Other items include molten cheese, rock salt, orange juice, chips of nail polish, cotton fibers, and firework ash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 115
You deserved it 5 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you should just invest in some permanent goggles


Well, atleast super glue's not in that morbidly-extensive list of yours, yet. Cos trust me, it's gonna take a very painful recovery process to heal.... I mean I would know

raeepressley 12

Add scotch bonnet peppers to your list. Don't even try it, just take my word on that one.

Even though I wear glasses 24/7, I get a lot of things in my eyes too. Including but not limited to: my friends fingers, an umbrella, the liquid from glow sticks, saw dust, etc.

you could cast a spell with those "ingredients" :))

Little known fact. Things can't get into your eyes if you take them off first

Well hopefully you'll SEE that coming next time.

If it makes you feel any better, the other day I was chopping a habanero and it squirted juice into my contact