
By ugly - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my sister told me not to come over anymore because her baby is scared of my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 400
You deserved it 4 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did the baby tell her that? No? Then she has no proof.

That is what brown bags are made for- don't forget the eye slits. just a suggestion...


mintcar 9

Hahaha bummer, that really / does/ suck. Just stay away for a bit, no need to upset the baby. It's probably not your face. Maybe something else that's unpleasant?

I think its time to take off the Freddy mask.

Get a new face? Hey I don't see anyone else coming up with ideas.

iloveHU15 6

maybe OP should get a mask?

mintcar 9
SteelCladAngel 0

if she's a first time mom, I'm sorry to say you'll have to forgive her first time moms are ridiculous

monnanon 13

Um no we're not and if we do act up on occasion its because everyone who has ever shat out a kid thinks they can give us advice. That gets a bit much after a while.

tblax44 0

maybe she just doesn't like u...