Name dropper

By Zak - 03/04/2009 02:12 - United States

Today, I was in an audition for a production at this theater in town. The directors at the table loved my audition. One of them said, "I'd love to talk to you about coming to TCU." I said, "Oh, yeah! I know Harry Parker at TCU who runs the theater department." I said this to Harry Parker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 668
You deserved it 91 905

Same thing different taste

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So "Eff your life" because you didn't recognize the guy? Or did you just get busted unloading a pile of BS to him?

Oops! Lol serves you right... He was busted trying to make it look like he had contacts... when he was talking to the contact himself. Haha


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megamandude455 10

I know right? I don't get it either.

TheBlakester419 0


He lied about knowing someone saying he knew somebody important hoping it would better his chances of getting in. The person he lied about knowing was the person he was speaking to. Made Him look like a total ass.

So "Eff your life" because you didn't recognize the guy? Or did you just get busted unloading a pile of BS to him?

afallingstar 22

I'm gonna go with OP got caught in a lie...YDI

Oops! Lol serves you right... He was busted trying to make it look like he had contacts... when he was talking to the contact himself. Haha

Lol. Suck it name-dropper! I hate people who try to sound impressive by automatically saying "Oh yea, I know them" or "I know such and such" when they so obviously don't.

NBD, just be like oh there must be two Harry Parkers. (; Its a commen name so you shoudn't make too big of a deal of it. Plus, if they really did ' love ' your audition, thats gonna be more important when choosing a role than your pathetic attemptive at name dropping. (:

he said "who runs the theatre department"

why would you even say that? you fail. Keep your mouth shut next time.

glockjaw 0

Why does everyone have to say "lol FAIL" what are you 12? This guy deserves it for trying to be cocky about it. Dumbass