By Anonymous - 28/01/2014 19:43 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, after months of random vomiting with no apparent cause, I finally got some tests done. The doctor says there's nothing wrong with me and that it's all just in my head. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 708
You deserved it 4 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

onealmxwilson 18

You should have vomited in his office and then asked if that was in your head too.

toowie_fml 20

I was doing that for awhile, later I came to realize that it was because I was stressed about something that I kept denying.


I'm sorry u might have aids he just can't tell tell u

I went through something similar and nothing showed up on tests. Finally, we found out it was allergies, but NOT a food allergy (which you should check out first). Regular allergies (hay fever, dust mites, etc.) can also cause nausea and vomiting and simply taking a daily antihistamine fixed it. But definitely go and see another doctor, I hope you can find the cause soon.

buttcramp 21

it could be so many things! I would get a second opinion at a different practice because this sounds like it's serious. I ended up with liver failure ignoring symptoms. You don't wanna procrastinate or ignore anything related to your physical and emotional health.

Your doctor's an idiot. That's what specialists are for

I have the same thing that happens to me, I know it sucks I'm sorry. FOL

I would say OP to get a second opinion and if they tell you that there is nothing wrong physically I would go to a psychiatrist, because there are disorders that present physical symptoms without and underlying physical cause. And don't worry what people may say, we all have mental issues, some of our issues break from what we consider the "norm"

Don't believe the doctors OP. You know when something's wrong with your own body. I had glandular fever for 6 months before being diagnosed. My doctors kept telling my mother she was being over protective and there was nothing wrong with me. Mum kept bothering the doctors until they sent me to a specialist. You need to do the same. (Otherwise try and elimination diet - you might be allergic to something?)

at first i was wondering why would you wait a couple of months to get tested, but then i saw you were from USA. FYL OP, i hope you find what causes it :)

It may just be stress or anxiety, which can easily cause problems, or you may have a stomach disorder such as IBS, which is triggered by stress, foods, and other things.. it varies per person really. I suggest go to your pharmacist, they know more about drugs and treatment than doctors, and they can give you a stomach settler if anything. Good luck :)

It sucks, I know, been there, but it will get better, don't give up, someone is going to listen to you!