By Anonymous - 28/01/2014 19:43 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, after months of random vomiting with no apparent cause, I finally got some tests done. The doctor says there's nothing wrong with me and that it's all just in my head. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 708
You deserved it 4 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

onealmxwilson 18

You should have vomited in his office and then asked if that was in your head too.

toowie_fml 20

I was doing that for awhile, later I came to realize that it was because I was stressed about something that I kept denying.


Some doctors lie I'd see another doctor.

That doesn't really happen that much, and if it did, it would more likely be so the doctor can prescribe you more meds instead of less, so he can charge you...

It isn't really that uncommon. My sister also had this problem but when she was young. For no apparent reason she vomitted. Doctors said it was due to a lot of stress.

elizacandle 29

Being lactose intolerant can cause severe to mild nausea. Just a thought..

Get another doctor. When I was 17 I had an undiagnosed blood clot in my arm that grew to 6 inches and started to form in my jugular. A piece broke off and went into my lung, I went to the doctor multiple times in one week and she kept saying there was nothing wrong with me and it was all in my head. We found out about the clot when I was about a day away from death. Never consider a lack of a diagnosis as a diagnosis.

This. Even if it IS psychosomatic, a doctor who won't listen to their patients is not a good doctor and you deserve better.

Driv3r001 8

My douchbag docter said the same thing to my parents when I was a baby. Turned out it was serious and I almost died.

My friend suffered from something similar for months on end and sever vomiting multiple times a day. She ended up on very strong antibiotics and seeing multiple gastroenterologists before getting it under control. Maybe keep your eye on it! Try a holiday too, as suggested it could be stress...

Oh, I know this feel, I've been running from doctor to doctor for the last 4 years, nothing wrong with me they say.. In the meantime I can barely eat, lose weight like crazy and my heartbeat goes through the roof.. All in your head, my ass, I haven't been able to work for 1 days cause I keep passing out.