By Anonymous - 18/04/2016 23:40 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, for the first time in a while I decided to wear a skirt. Everytime I sit down my thighs trap air and make a farting sound. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 251
You deserved it 2 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The worst part is when your legs start to sweat and then it sticks them to the plastic chairs :/

I don't really know what to say as I'm not a girl but I hope not too many people notice or care


My first wife's issue was that once she would stand up she'd leave sweat spot on the chair. Especially embarrassing for her in church.

I'd suggest you wear slip shorts underneath.

try wearing spanx under your skirt, might help solve the problem of there's fabric in between instead of skin on skin

What about those half legging things? I'm not a girl so I don't know what it's called. Maybe that'll help.

I don't know what they're called either lmao

I could have gone my whole life not knowing this is a thing. Oh well, guess I've met my learning-new-things quota for the day!

Don't worry, OP. Thigh gaps are overrated and they don't make music.

Wear bike shorts underneath the skirt.

As a skirt aficionada, I second the slipshorts suggestions. Jockey Skimmies are my favorite. They come a wide range of sizes, and personally I find them much more comfortable than a brief-type panty. Plus I feel much more comfortable knowing there is another layer of material in the unfortunate event of a wardrobe malfunction. But if you're wearing a miniskirt they would be too long, and I'd suggest ballet/dance shorts in that case. Anyway, don't let this event deter you! Skirts/dresses rule!!

GreatAmerican 7

I realize a bunch of people are going to call me a dick for asking this, but I'm curious. Are you fat?

It's none of your business, and it doesn't change the FML.