By Dmessmer1 - 05/06/2016 08:37 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I gave my dad $40 and asked him if he can get me lunch on his way back home. Long story short he came back empty handed telling me it was my fault for trusting him with McNuggets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 109
You deserved it 1 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Geez, his lack of impulse control is not your fault. Tell him he needs to pay you the money back. You gave him YOUR money to get him to do you a favour, he failed at that favour, so now he needs to reimburse you.


What the hell? 1: It shouldn't be hard to just NOT eat food that isn't yours. 2: If it is hard to not eat food that isn't yours, you could just put the food in the back seat so you can't reach it while driving.

ber4fun 23

Now you know never to ask him again.

jeez people don't get your panties in a twist.

NoThanks999 19

Did you ask for Mcnuggets or did you tell him to get you lunch and he bought/ate $40 with of chicken nuggets?

Sorry OP, your dad is kind of a prick.

Sorry I have to ask but $40 worth of McNuggets!? Is your dad a fat ass?

cho_bee 9

Long story short, I can't stop laughing!!! YDI!