By OwlSaysBlimey - 17/11/2013 07:38 - Sweden

Today, I got an angry call to the phone shop where I work. The caller demanded that we give him his money back. His reason? He said he'd been tricked because his phone got ruined by water "even though he was using the waterproof application". FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 606
You deserved it 2 880

OwlSaysBlimey tells us more.

I really didn't think this would be posted, but thanks for all the hilarious comments! Well, I think I ought to explain it a bit. This person is one of our usual customers and is infamous for being a total idiot. Although this isn't the first time he has complained to us, this is by far the stupidest complaint he's made. He's usually complaining about that the Internet's off and that he can't turn 3G on and so on. Anyway, he didn't get his money back and my boss told him to piss off, so we're all good :).

Top comments

Next he's going to sue the beer companies because he won't actually be able to drink the beer from the app.

knight0748 5

He didn't install idiot proof app??


I really didn't think this would be posted, but thanks for all the hilarious comments! Well, I think I ought to explain it a bit. This person is one of our usual customers and is infamous for being a total idiot. Although this isn't the first time he has complained to us, this is by far the stupidest complaint he's made. He's usually complaining about that the Internet's off and that he can't turn 3G on and so on. Anyway, he didn't get his money back and my boss told him to piss off, so we're all good :).

Coeliacchic93 21

he needs to get a Sony Xperia Z they ARE waterproof :-D

bobbyguy 17

#76 my friend told me was getting a thing from Sony with a name like that. Turns out it was a different product that he was taking about and Sony doesn't make that. He has one of the worst lying problems ever.

i just dont understand those type of people