By Anonymous - 25/03/2015 12:23 - United States - Woodbridge

Today, I got fired for having a visible tattoo on my neck. The tattoo in question is a scar from a surgery I had 2 months ago. The same one paid for by my employer's insurance and missed 2 weeks of work for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 334
You deserved it 2 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Charles900 16

How can they possibly be dumb enough to mistake that for a tattoo? Even if they had a rule, your boss had no right to fire you for a surgical scar. If you have to, you can sue for wrongful termination.

josiemorehouse 12

That's not right, OP. That's a wrongful termination. You can obviously prove it's a scar rather than a tattoo. Depending on where you live, you should fight it!!


That is dumb, did you try to explain it to them? If so and they didn't realize than your better off not working there.

don't worry being jobless is not that bad at least u r your own boss !!

Yeah, being jobless is great. You don't have to wake up early, and you can do whatever you want all day. The only problem is that you'll be doing so in a cardboard box.

i mean think of it positivly since u can't change the situation try to change your mind abt it

One way to change the situation would be to find another job, maybe? You can't live without money, so I'm not sure how one is supposed to think positively about it.

#15 / #69 - ........Wtf are you smoking? :/.......

CaroAurelia 12

I don't think I've EVER seen a scar that looked like a tattoo. What the hell?!

They can't fire you for that. That would be "wrongful termination" by law.

how can someone be stupid enough to mistake a scar for a tattoo???? think a lawsuit is on the cards!!

sue them. pretty sure that you can fight it.

sue your old employer they can't fire you for it