By bride - 27/03/2009 01:38 - United States

Today, I got married wearing a strapless dress. As I walked down the aisle, our wedding photographer stepped out behind me to get a shot of me approaching my husband. Instead of stepping out, though, he stepped on. Stepped on my dress. Pulling it completely down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 133 961
You deserved it 10 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dk2008 3

At least your wedding will be unforgettable:)

Your groom was probably thinking "Wow, she couldn't even wait 'til after the reception?"


omg thats so awful! i hope you did have on a strapless bra and got the dress back up really quickly otherwise thats a big downer at the wedding!

piderman13 0

she is just telling us this story in present tense. it happened a while ago. people do that all the time hahaha however bummer for her yay for the groom and anybody else who saw (;

randomdude1234 0

@#5Don't you mean: "Congratulations on your niptuals?"

If that were my wedding (or the wedding of my bridezilla best friend) there would be some shots of me wrestling the photographer.

you_not_me_OWNED 0

don't worry, 40 years from now you'll be laughing and telling this story to your grandkids.

flomotion 0

that should be on americas funniest home vids.

Hopefully you were wearing a strapless bra... if not... I'm terribly sorry haha.

I have to agree with #6 pics or it didn't happen.

no way did this happen. Its almost straight from that movie with kirstie alley and the olsen twins (it takes two?) except kirstie steps on the dress. I call bs.

giaface 0

@28, I doubt it. This kind of thing does happen. Strapless dresses are not easy.