By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 16:14 - United Kingdom

Today, I got my long hair cut in a short pixie cut. When my five year old daughter saw me she laughed and proclaimed 'You look just like a man!'. That afternoon I got a concerned call from the school. My daughter has told everyone 'mummy has gone away, I now have two daddies!' FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 248
You deserved it 8 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lotus_Eater 0

You should cut your little girl's hair just like yours. :P


pommeblossom 0

Oh my goodness! Don't worry, it's just a child! I bet it looks great!

For everyone who thinks the school sucks for calling: Any dramatic change in a student's home life WILL affect how that student is in school (grades, behavior, etc.) If anything major is changing at home, the school needs to know, especially if it's a young student.

Why does the school care if the daughter has two fathers? Home life is none of their business.

ouch... let's hope them kids there don't go making fun of her... sorry about how she thinks your a dude...

i agree with whoever said it was catholic school if i was a teacher i would assume that the child's parents got divorced because her father was gay, tell her to tell her daddy congratulations on his new husband, and that's that!

Ibeapirate 0
Why_Me77 0

Those damn catholic schools calling to see what's up with the whole "two daddies" situation...geez. And @ #53... although that is true... Specifically, had she rly had 2 daddies, that's a load of horseshit that they call in for that...She's not being abused or neglected, just has two parents of the same gender. My god..

i dont think it had nething to do with the school's view on a family or nething like that. i think that they just thought to inform her that her child was running around telling ery1 their private business which cud have lead to sum rumors being spread around at pta meetings lol

What #9 said -- gender is a very complicated cultural concept that doesn't solidify until a kid is about 8. Until then, most kids define gender based on secondary sex characteristics -- i.e., hair. Kids also believe gender to be changed as easily as getting a hair cut. The amusing part is the daughter telling everyone at school, especially a religious school. Ahahahah I can just imagine the teacher's face...

balanceMMX 0