By Sub - 04/12/2009 01:14 - United States

Today, I introduced my girlfriend to a female friend of mine, because I thought they would get along. Apparently they get along better than I expected; she dumped me for the other girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 644
You deserved it 4 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I think you've learned something new about both of your friends, yes?

To everyone who expects a three-some from this coupling. Lesbian's don't like dick. Period. If they liked dick at all they wouldn't be a lesbian. *****'s aren't dicks. Because they're not attached to one. They are also easier to find and bigger and better. Only loose girls have threesomes. Especially random threesomes. If you don't know how to have a threesome then one wouldn't suggest you try it. It takes maneuvering and multiple condoms. They are lesbians. If the OP's ex was BI then she probably wouldn't have left him. At least not so quickly. Leaving him on the spot like that means she's quick on the draw. Who says OP and his ex ever had sex? There is such thing as people NOT having sex.


dude basically same thing happened to me i dated her for a month she told me that i was being mean to her friends and dumped me for this skater chick

I'm a guy, and I am proud to admit that lesbians scare the shit out of me. If a girl dumped me for a girl I would feel like such a piece of shit. I feel for you man. LOL

Why the **** would you let your bitch out of the house? & why would you introduce her to another person, unless you were adding her to your harem? Men need women for cooking, cleaning & sex. Ok, the friend in girlfriend is meaningless. Otherwise, we'd all be gay. So therefore, women really exist just for breeding. This equality bullshit has got to end. Anyone ever notice america went to shit once we started letting women wear pants & think they were equal to men.

#46 i have a feeling u r an asswhole oh wait u are! man women are better probably not stronger but smarter we are! man u r a ****** loser!! u sexist demon!!

Pandada89 0

I'm sorry that really sucks and I truly feel bad for you, but lol.

okay #46 ur such a sexist little prick. go **** your self! do actually think girls arent as good as guys? you obviously dont give a shit about your mom or sisters if you have any and you probably dont care about your girl friend. thats if you can even get one.

#50 My mother is a decent person who unlike most of the ***** in this country is still together with my father, & raised us with proper morals. Same as both my grandmothers. My sister is also a decent lady with morals, not some cheap **** who at 12 sucks **** in the classroom. We all know to wait until marriage. As for my wife, do I cheat on her? No. Do I treat her or anybody like crap? Not unless they deserve it. But I have made it quite clear to her from day one, I have plenty of freinds. I do NOT want or need any more friends. There is only one thing that I want from her, & thats the girl part. You think thats wrong? Too bad. I dont care. I work, make decent money, she can stay at home & be a housewife & someday mother. And just to show that I am not a sexist pig, if she had my job, then I would VOLENTEER like she agreed 7 yrs ago, to be a house husband, keep it clean, & raise the kids. #51 Sure, I may say stuff to get a rise out of people. But most every thing I say is how I feel. I exagerate for fun, but I dont feel like typing out huge essays every time some stupid wo/man acts like a ****.

xxmadicxx 0

To #24 Dude stfu we still have hope douche fag!