By sprocket - 28/02/2009 18:55 - Hong Kong

Today, I jokingly asked my boyfriend of one year, "Why is someone as smart, funny and as handsome as you with someone like me?" He replied, "Opposites attract." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 084
You deserved it 28 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you took his response seriously you're ****** up.

alwaysalady 0

He was clearly joking, but you shouldn't fish for compliments. Its unattractive.


Baytheshark 14

That's not an FML, he said he's attracted to you. Chill out.

And then you dump his ass. Off a cliff.

maxamus951852 3

Atleast he has a sense of humor, i mean look on the bright side, he couldve just said, "you're right, i deserve better, we should break up." lmao

locketpop 2

Hahaha c'mon you asked for it

I don't understand why people have such a bad view about themselves and openly communicate that to their partners. not very attractive and no wonder he replied that way.

It's a joke, not a dick, don't take it so hard

You need to build up your self confidence, whether or not that was a joke, OP

You say he's funny but can't get the joke I guess one of the descriptions was opposite