By Anonymous - 09/12/2009 13:27 - United States

Today, I met a girl who's the whole package: brains, beauty, shared interests, great personality, single, and into me. Too bad I married my bitchy, depressive high school girlfriend who said she'd kill herself if I didn't. Sometimes, she still tells me she'll do it if we divorce. I believe her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 406
You deserved it 24 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Note to self: Don't marry while still a horny teenager.

YDI for marrying someone because of a threat... grow a pair!


You shouldn't be leaving your wife when she needs you most. She's obviously not well. In sickness and in health right? Sorry.

xd0rkiee 0

When the hell will she not need him? Should he stay with her forever and ruin his own life because she "needs him?" OP, divorce her. If she suicides, it's not your fault at all. FYL.

there's a difference between sickness and emotional abuse. manipulating someone to marry and stay with you and being bitchy to them=/=sickness. that's abuse. if op was the girl, you would be telling her to run away. women can abuse people too. emotionally, physically, AND sexually. women aren't always the victims.

if she kills herself, that's not your problem. you're not gonna be unhappy just because she can't get a life. divorce, marry that perfect girl and BE HAPPY. this is your only chance, your only life, DON'T WASTE IT! /srs bsnss

Quanyn 5

The first time you meet someone it always seems like that. If it's real - you'll feel the same way a year from now - if you do - divorce your wife and follow your love. Life is too short. You can't save your wife - only she can save herself. You're probably contributing to your wives problems.

VeilOfVelvet 0

Leave her if you're so unhappy. She won't do it. And if she does, it isn't your fault. You didn't MAKE her do it; she had the choice. In fact you shouldn't have gotten married over a threat of suicide anyway, but that's beside the point. This is one of those moments where you shouldn't put someone else before yourself. Leave her, and be with the girl who makes you happy.

bbimbadnews 0

YDI. also, some people who threaten to kill themselves in a relationship are going to end up killing the partner. just a thought... you 'felt bad' enough to marry her? how about you feel badly to actually do something that would help her? everyone else has said it already. get her some help and move on. i hate when people use others as an excuse. just like the guy my friend is in love with. he "loves her" and "wants to be with her" but, since he has a baby with his current girlfriend, he can't leave her. since its impossible to still be a father without being a husband. and since if you have a kid with someone at 23, you should remain tied to them forever. that's healthy. such BS.

Borderline personality much? call the cops, have her put in the psych ward for threatening to commit suicide.

noshitsherlock 0

WTF. Someone who REALLY LOVES YOU would never do that to you. So you're willing to sacrifice YOUR happiness by being stuck with her? She's ******* psycho and MANIPULATIVE, HELLO. I would tell her PARENTS, then start divorce proceedings. That way, they can take care of her/she can be their problem.

To requote 109: "Maybe she became this "Nasty Attention-seeking bitch" because her husband is too busy looking at other women."