By creepedout - 20/07/2015 03:00 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I received a text with my last name spelled wrong. A short conversation revealed he got my number from me, through Tinder. I don't have an account, but he insisted he knew that I like it 'hard and rough'. He knew my first name. I still don't know how he got my phone number or name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 085
You deserved it 2 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a prank to me, OP. Got any friends with a tinder account?


mads_nicole 19

Might wanna block the number just in case

It's possible your number was someone's old number and they have the same's probably the best conclusion to this... New number or block people that come for that...

Would you find it amusing if a random man called you and said the same thing?

This needs an update. What number did the text originate from?

If it gets any worse, contact your local police.

bnbhimp 10

Sounds like ex boyfriend revenge to me.

That's an old prank. Maybe not with tinder but the principle.

conholio33 28

Maybe time to change your phone number?

This reminds me of that girl on tinder whose bio says: "don't even think about it; I have a bf in the navy"

Someone made you a Tinder account to make you look bad. People have made me fake dating profiles before, too... It happens. And unfortunately, they included your number.