By creepedout - 20/07/2015 03:00 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I received a text with my last name spelled wrong. A short conversation revealed he got my number from me, through Tinder. I don't have an account, but he insisted he knew that I like it 'hard and rough'. He knew my first name. I still don't know how he got my phone number or name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 086
You deserved it 2 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a prank to me, OP. Got any friends with a tinder account?


I say you meet this guy in a dark ally, alone. He sounds like a nice guy.

someone played a terrible joke or prank on you. or someone really doesn't like you.

butterfingers583 21

I think one of your friends finds themselves funny.

The question is, do you like it hard and rough though?!

Who uses your last name in a text? I've been texting for many years and do t think I ever used someone's last name.

Two of my friends got into an argument and one of them posted the other's name and number on some gay-hookup app. It's sounding like something similar happened to you. Sorry OP!

Find out who did it, then put them on Craigslist personals. And, send pizzas to their house, lots of pizzas