By leprechaun23 - 23/04/2012 04:21 - United States - Cleveland

Today, I taught my friend how to use a staple gun. She taught me how to get staples out of my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 286
You deserved it 4 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Those who can, do, those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, attempt to teach people to use staple guns.

I want to know who taught YOU how to use a staple gun........


You learn something new every day.

Kenatia 7

Guess you forgot to tell her what it can be used on....

You know what's even more painful? Getting one in your forehead. Don't ever let that happen, OP.

KM96 24

Ouch! I guess its happened to you? I don't know how that would happen ... Though I am intrigued :P

Idiocy at its finest. I was re-filling the staples and had left the stapler open after that and forgotten about it. That's when I felt exhausted and thought I had rest my head on the table for a while. Only my face ended up on the stapler, the pressure of my head pressed the damned thing and it looked like Dracula had gone for my forehead.

You actually have a lot less nerves on your head than you do anywhere else, so I would think it wouldn't hurt as much on your forehead.

You've been taught the valuable lesson of give and take.

I hope your profession isn't in hand modeling.

I_Hug_Cats 26

you learn something new everyday.

You've been taught the valuable lesson of give and take.

Andrew910 5

Yeah, I didn't really get it the first two times, but now it's all cleared up. Thanks!