By Anonymous - 25/03/2012 12:09 - Australia - Croydon

Today, I was babysitting this 12 year old. We were watching a movie, and he was being an angel just laying with his head in my lap. He fell asleep so I closed my eyes and had a little nap. When I woke up he had taken my shirt off and was feeling up my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 287
You deserved it 14 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did that not wake you? Also isn't twelve a little old to lay down in someone's lap (except parents)?


chels1994 11

He knows where the goods are Can't blame him for being smart (:

iloveweed69 7
MrGroovy28 7

Is that including yourself?

NoisyNykkii 10

Us girls are proud of our boobs, duh.

vindicatedkay 0

You let a 12 year old sleep with his head in your lap? He's practically a teenager..... That / just weird.

jwally726 0

PIMP and daddy paid for it lol

fishereric 1

How asleep were you? Tell the parents. That is more than a little inappropriate.