By yum - 07/07/2013 05:09 - United States - Sylmar

Today, I was drinking from a cup with a built-in straw. After taking a long sip, I noticed a weird taste. Upon investigation, I found a small caterpillar wedged inside the straw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 298
You deserved it 4 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've heard of worms and scorpions, but caterpillars in a drink? who doesn't Love a little extra fuzz in their beverage of choice?

Alright maggots, this obstacle course is called "The Squeeze"


I guess now you'll always check straws.

graceinsheepwear 33

Who makes a habit of looking down a straw before using it? (Except OP, now)

What a disgusting straw-ry. Hope the caterpillar didn't give you butterflies in your stomach!

That happened to me the other day... except it was a giant ant.

the littlest worm (the littlest worm) I ever saw (I ever saw) was stuck inside (was stuck inside) my soda straw (my soda straw) the littlest worm I ever saw yadda yadda yadda ya was stuck inside my soda straw I could go on, but I feel like no one will read it anyway.

puppster391 16

Thank goodness it way still in the straw!

MermaidAnnariea 10

i once sucked an earwig out of one of those cups. nopenopenope.

Now, instead of the littlest worm got stuck i my soda straw it could be a caterpiller.

I hope you brushed your teeth afterwards