By Anonymous - 24/01/2011 07:29 - United States

Today, I was grounded for not agreeing with an article on dating my mom found in a very strict magazine. The article told parents to monitor phone calls, make rumors about their children cheating on people and not allow their children anywhere but home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 499
You deserved it 3 141

Same thing different taste


hook_em 0

is she gonna do this when you get married

call social services & talk to a student councilor about metal / psychological abuse

Upvoted - there needs the be legal action taken against the parents here.

Oh. My. God. My eyes are bugging out. Seriously. That's how you make psychopaths who never trust anybody and have no ability to interact with others. Funny thing: Most teenagers are reasonably sensible.

mintcar 9

Sounds legit. Yep let's keep you out of school and obliterate your social life. School has men, men wants sex, sex causes Chlamydia, which results in death. On a serious note, I'm going to assume you're under the age of 17. It seems like the best thing to do in this case is just focus on school and not date. Your parents are doltish morons and it really doesn't seem like you're going to win.

catalin 0

Everybody seems to think that OP is a female.

everyone also thinks that the op is Mormon. I'm Mormon and I even live in Utah, I've never met any family this strict

72 is right. Whoever wrote that article must be an idiot. Controlling your children like that is sick. And illegal. I thought you weren't allowed to denigrate a person or restrict their freedom.

iluvfmls456 0

It's really annoying me that people are saying that Mormons are crazy and are insulting their parenting. While I'm not a Mormon, and I don't agree with this magazine article at all, I have a lot of Mormon friends that wouldn't agree with this either. All the Mormons I know are perfectly normal everyday people and so are their parents. Even the strictest parents I know would be appalled at this. You can't make comments on Mormons based on sterotypes or by the one or two Mormons you know, because they're not all like that. So please consider what you are going to say and how much you know about what you are saying before you say it.

dude, that mum of yours sounds nuttier then Squirrel crap. You'd wanna get out of there ASAP!!! i feel for you OP!!!

Shenronlock 7

Your mom is like the Hitler of moms.